Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
If I was her, I would step away from that before it burst open for the heat
Wise. On the other hand, I wouldn’t leave it alone before I was sure it’s all ashes and well scattered.
If I was her, I would also stop breathing. Inhaling this stuff couldn’t be good either.
You should always roast your heads monster side down. It prevents that sort of thing.
If it’s explosive and you put it monster side down, it will send bone shrapnel flying right atcha 🙂
There’s no sure way to avoid infectious transformation. For all we know it could rapidly transform itself based on what we think the most dangerous thing it could do is; like becoming a forty story tall stay-puft marshmallow man.
If I was her I’d go fetch the bar-be-que sause!
Man, that’s a sucky position to be in; all three of you freinds dead along with the dog at the hand of one of those three friends no less. To see someone you liked and would gladly stand next to in battle bought down to a gibbering monster who couldn’t tell friend from foe and yet she doesn’t shed a tear, tough women. I have to admit I haven’t been picking up on any foreshadowing in the last couple comics so i’m sticking with the last scene being an amy of those monsters, that is unless the wizards decapitated body decides it wants to get back in the fight.
agreed, then draw n’ quarter the main body just to make sure
…As the decapitated body slowly rises to its feet behind her…
Yeah, we’re only one fighter away from a TPK. Body growing new head would work well….
Well, that was a near-tpk
Then she takes all their stuff. JUST AS PLANNED.
Note she is still holding a weapon. Smart lady.
Fire needs more fire. And possibly an airstrike.
do you stay and watch it burn or seek out more firewood?
Nuke it from orbit… Only way to be sure.
Turns out fire makes them germinate.
So what would nuclear fire produce, then? *shudder*
The delicious-sounding sizzle-pop and the gleam in her eyes would indicate that she…HUNGERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Also that growth looks like a mushroom and I love mushrooms.
Abe will rise, eat her (unless the dog does it first), the end.
This death scene is almost as prolonged as that of Paul Rubens’ in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Movie. I’m just going to hazard a guess that something terrible that piper hasn’t been paying attention to, will happen at any moment.
750 XP
Now roll for loot
Heh… bet that’s the last page of this story.
Next comic, she eats it and becomes immortal.
All her attention is on Abe; I hope she remembers there’s a half-eaten dog and a dead companion behind her. For all she knows, this could spread through a bite.
Severed head of a person infected by some unknown, monster outs beast? Am I the only one who thought of that scene from the Thing?