Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
Oh, my goodness; this is epic. The art on this page enhances all the anxiety and excitement I feel when reading this storyline. One small panel showing us something that should be physically impossible gives so much more depth and weight to the power unleashed in the following panels. The deity’s stride is lithe and statuesque, like Karlie Kloss’ walk or something. The scatter of the shards makes me feel like I can hear it happening. The combination of it all is so alluring.
I’m excited to see the decision in the next pages! You rock!
Hmmm… so either she a) spotted a flaw in the ward, b) focused on one point and overcame it or c) somehow getting under Oprah’s skin weakened her resolve and by association the ward maybe?
That is an amazingly civil offer considering it did just break out and could have gone straight to asskicking mode. No doubt it is enjoying messing with her head with the faustian offer. Time to see just how badly she wants this….
It was never limited, it acted contained for it’s own reasons and amusement.
I love this page, A perfect ending too i bet.
I say, she’s being VERY nice offering such a choice. I wouldn’t want to remember any of this anyway.
And neither would my pants, really.
In other words:
“Um…Can i get a pair of clean pants before I give my answer?”
And leave you stark raving mad for knowing things man was not meant to know. That insidious smile from the last update said it all.
I do wonder if that last bit from her offer included the life of Oprah’s daughter. And whether said knowledge could allow Oprah to bring her back.
New reader btw, love the artwork and the stories.
The sad thing is how many people would choose option number two.
I would take door number two in a heartbeat. Are lives really worth more than the potential to rise above what we are? To desire to be more than human is to be human, and the willingness to do anything to achieve this to be ambitious. I find beauty in man’s aspiration to learn and progress, regardless of the cost. What does the cost matter once we can make the world dance upon our fingertips?
Pity, she lost her horns. I really expected “Oprah” To be smited by now…. but this is good too. I wonder just how desperate she is for knowledge. I retract yesterdays statement, she DOES in fact seem like some sort of deity. However, whether or not she’s of the same species of the wolf in Wayfarer is quite unclear. I also find it hilarious that she disarmed the runes with just a touch of her finger.
Things just got real.
Not sure which I’d pick, but I’m sure Oprah is screwed either way.
Anyone doubted she would leave the room?
And lo how the tables have turned. I guess gods get bored too.
Maybe by extending an offer to Oprah the deity was able to gain strength from Oprah’s own belief.
Oprah: “Your lack of disciples makes you weak and malleable”
Deity: Transforms into awesome monster, “Your confederates are unworthy, I’m interested in you alone. What is your hearts desire?”
:Oprah = Converted into beleiver
POWER UP! :tap:
Very nice logic!
I’ve always been fascinated about how people are able to give other souls away. I mean, say, there’s one innocent soul, really bound to heaven (or whatever) and then a demon just strolls up all “Sorry God, I struck a deal with the kid’s cousin, so this one’s mine now”
presupposing your referenced mythology with god/ innocents/ heaven coexists in this story’s universe, i think it would be first come, first served when gods go claiming souls.
also, in this case, “souls” might = “lives.”
I agree with you in general, but in this case, note that she says she’ll “claim” the souls of the others implicit in trapping her, while only killing the woman’s relatives. It may be that by being complicit in trapping her (and whatever was done to enable that), the others have already given her the right to her souls. So the choice she offers is either she takes the souls already owed to her, or she will give up her claim on them, as opposed to saying the woman has authority to hand her the souls of others.
True. I didn’t think of that. But the whole soul business have always irked me, latest in Hellblazer.
Sounds a bit like the God wasn’t BSing Oprah when she said her power didn’t actually depend on mortals…
I love Oprah’s choice in words. Oh god, oh god indeed.
Oh my God. Or that God.
I suppose we mightn’t find out who she is but at least we get an impression of what she’s capable of.
Also, I get the feeling Oprah’s about to pull the rug under us and the be-tentacled one.
Terrific work!
Humans are just a game they play, people forget how small we are next to the celestial void.
We know the choice Oprah makes, its the same reason her dog is inheriting a house in Miami, her blood line is doomed.
Well done sir. This is a creative, fun tale. One of the things I enjoy about your work is you don’t spell out all the details that answer, “who,” “what,” and/or “why.” Thanks for leaving a little clothing on the story to keep our fantasies alive and our imaginations running wild.
Oh you don’t say now? In that case, I SAID GOOD DAY MA’AM/SIR/DEMON. But why would Oprah have that much common sense? First of all…Oprah. Second, this is False Positive. Please.
Fantastic page. Artwise and otherwise (mood, style, name it).
You rock!
And the choice is, sadly, worded very … clearly. ^^
This page made me unspeakably happy.
My first thought when I read this was “The god’s existence insinuates there MIGHT be truth to the idea behind theological theories, including that of the Genesis, Adam and Eve. Go back far enough in the Bloodline and she could be giving away the entirety of humankind.”
My second thought is currently “I can’t wait to press next and see where this leads”