31 Days of Halloween 2012: 2 of 31: Old Mother Monster
2/31 “What big eyes…”
This week, a number of redditors have been helping stress test False Positive’s hosting services.
I just wanted to take a moment to express public appreciation for the Reddit love and say, “Welcome aboard” to all the new readers who have found False Positive via the front page of the internet.
Big Mike
I’ll keep this spoiler free.
Some people hate the entire notion of a movie remake. Or they say a certain amount of time needs to transpire before the global audience of moviegoers can emotionally prepare for the confrontation of a story retold. I’m not one of those people.
Re-imagined or reinterpreted source material offers unique perspectives into the creative process. I like hearing a band cover another band’s tune. I dig seeing multiple interpretations of a Shakespearean play. I’m inspired by reading a creative team’s successful take on the origin of Superman.
Sometimes the remakes can surprise us, sometimes they’re tired, and sometimes they fail, but they are almost always enlightening. I root for the success of a remake. A remake can breathe new life into something forgotten. I want to see something bad turned into something good or something good turned into something phenomenal.
I’m profoundly proud to announce that the next chapter of False Positive, “Constriction,” is the product of a collaboration between myself and fellow Zuda alumnus, Daniel Govar. Dan is responsible for the fantastic digital comic saga, Azure, and I’m a big fan of his emotive, fluid art. A while back, I approached Dan on bended knee to request that he consider partnering up to produce a short story for False Positive. Thankfully, he generously agreed to the collusion.
I couldn’t be happier with how his visual interpretation of this story turned out. Dan injected some fun story beats into the sequential art that add to the excitement of the story’s escalating tension. Also, on top of producing cool art, he’s a genuinely cool guy and a pleasure to work with.
You can contact Dan on Twitter: @saulone or check out more about Dan at http://danielgovar.com/
I hope you folks enjoy the product of our labor.