io9 vs False Positive
Over the weekend, Lauren Davis, an editor at i09, posted a wonderfully thoughtful and elegant review of False Positive. The resulting influx of new readers helped to stress test the capacity of False Positive’s new hosting services– Pretty sweet.
To all those who’ve discovered False Positive via io9: Welcome aboard!
For those of you not familiar with io9, I fear you might not be using the internet correctly. io9 comes from the future to share all things sciency, science fictiony, and speculativey (these words are commonly used in the future). The site has introduced me to many great artists and writers, cool videos of nerdness, and technological awesomeness. I’m honored to have found False Positive so favorably portrayed on such a cool site.
You can check out the False Positive review here:
Nice writeup. Congrats man.
Thanks. It’s very generous. I might need to print it out and frame it.
Yep, I was one of those guys who got keyed in on this comic from that article, read the whole thing that same day. Amazing stuff, dude. 😀
Heads up, I’m wordy. Can’t help it. Urgh.
I saw this today during my lazy Monday holiday morning browse of io9 (life is so tough, right?). It made me sqwee a little. It was a mesh of my favourite interweb lurking ground and your amazing comic, together at last, and that is vaguely glorious. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when io9 is basically a compendium of everything amazing, geeky, interesting, vaguely disturbing and superbly fun on the interwebs, but it’s still nice to see False Positive getting some press!
First time commenter and vaguely new reader, by the way. I found your comic through some ad or link that grabbed my eye during my bored internet travels about three or four weeks ago. It’s been part of my regular web-comic reading routine ever since. You tell one -hell- of a compelling yarn and your art is lovely – different to a lot of other digital comic artists, but in a good way.
Sorry for being creepily gushy (maybe creepy is good here?) 😛 It’s lovely to see FP getting the love it deserves and potential new readers, and I thought I’d share my appreciation of both your work here and io9 too, haha. Between the compelling art and stories and the (from what I’ve read in the comments) pretty gregarious community you have growing here, this is a lovely site. Keep up the good work!
This is a safe place. Creepily gushy is welcome. 😉
Thanks for the feedback and encouragement. This sort of feedback helps keep me going.