Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
No survivors. Its the only way to be sure.
…Figuring out an optimal self-destruct sequence is trickier than it looks, you know.
Yeah let’s hope there isn’t any kind of override, manual or software, for the super blow everything up sequence they’re talking about here that anyone knows of. As we learned from Phil the security guard, the monster knows everything its hosts knows, so tragedy in the works right there.
Computer Lady said that there was no override from that point on. I hope she knows about all of the overrides.
True, Moe, Lane, but this scientist has GLASSES on. They make it easier to figure out the sequence. Glasses…the advantage of many.
Methinks this is going to be the longest 20 minutes of their lives. And if they get caught, the “conga line” will just get longer too.
Quite a disciplined mind to keep focus on the computer with all that is happening around. Admirable, even.
Autism spectrum FINALLY paying off. About time too.
20 minutes seems like 20 minutes too many for the self destruct considering what the gooeymon seems to be capable of.
It’s possible that suicide was the aim of the goo all along, of course… although given the evidence that it can brain hack, it could probably have set a self destruct itself by now if that was the case.
As the Hell’s Angels say, three can keep a secret if two are dead…even better off…IF ALL ARE DEAD!