Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
Yes! Again with the good physics!
Finally someone out there realizes exposure to the vacuum of space neither makes you explode like a car in a Michael Bay movie (apart from eardrums) nor makes your head turn into a block of ice. The capillary damage shown here is exactly right.
I hate most sci-fi movies so effing much I can barely tolerate it. I demand back the two hours I wasted watching that last Alien prequel. I really cannot understand what writers and directors are thinking. Are most people that stupid? I mean, apart from the ridiculous physics and plot holes–how are you supposed to feel suspense when anything can happen at any time even if it makes no sense whatsoever?
This makes me very sad as it reminds me Giger passed away just a day or two ago. The only good Alien films were the two he worked on. He actually cared about realism, despite the symbolic nature of all of his creations (and he was embroiled in lawsuits with Fox for years over the crap they pulled on him afterwards; you might notice his name appears on no other Alien movies despite the fact they continue to use his designs for all four stages of the life cycle).
Are you trying to make us like you even more because you’re awesome? Because it’s working. 🙂
Totally agree (except I think there’s only ONE good Alien movie), and I try to feel a bit better telling myself at least there should be some good retrospective expos of Giger’s work now.
Yes! And yes and yes and yes!
Such a tragic thing with Giger, his work means a lot to me.
You’re absolutely right Trickster and good on you Mike for getting it right. If you want to see a summary of results of exposure to the vacuum, and the debunking facts regarding other theories, check out this video.
owh, owh.. I got a question…! What would happen if I put my hand into the path of the Hadron Collider particle beam?
Short answer… I’d loose and hand and die of radiation poisoning?
Well, there was one Russian guy who put his head into a particle accelerator (a smaller one tho)
Short version – he lived (though had a large hole form in his head due to tissue necrosis)
Name’s Anatoli Bugorski, you can google him.
It wasn’t an alien prequel. It was a really bad movie.
Necronomicon (Giger’s book)
Look it up on Wikipedia. I got that. My mind went places it had never gone before…And rarely since. This place (this comic) is another one…
Completely aside from the subject matter, the art work is just outstanding.
I don’t think this guys dead yet… look his iris’ are not dilated. There may be some brain activity still going on in there…
And then he revives.
Not for nothing, but having 3 feet of metal bar rammed through your chest might hasten the death process along just a bit…
Okay, I’m interested in seeing how there is going to be a story with the main character already dead.
i call dibs on alien hostile takeover
What incredible art! I have always enjoyed and recommended these stories!
Shoot, did I leave the insta-stove on?