Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
Calmness before the sotrm
inb4 a Lovecraftian monster comes out from under the blankets
At the very least, a parasitic twin where her hip should be…
At first glance, I thought you said “Lovercraftian monster” & the thought of what the blanket might be hiding just creeped me out…
She may not be all there… … …
I’m still naive enough to believe she’s just a little girl with nothing abnormal about her at all. Nope, I’m not jaded at all.