Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
End-of-year cliffhanger…! :]
Merry Christmas…Ya filthy animal.
is…that a humunculous? or the behelit thing from fenzy? oh you =/
Glowing blue eyes….ancient runes? Could he be invoking of summoning the power of the Wayfarer/Coyote?
Might be a small bag of spell stuff.
Or maybe it’s the Holy Hand Grenade.
It’s the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!!
Did anyone else notice the pair of them look like the pair from Exiled? Seriously, pretty sure the “fountain of youth” is just getting the alien abilities sapped out of her…
See: girl preferentially using axe, man healing exceedingly quickly, girl who can live in safe despite any normal human suffocating after a very brief time
yup, that’s definitively them. I had to go back and reread it to remember they had super strength too.
Also only now I realized that when they were in space they were cannibals, so them being cannibals all along is kinda what mike was suggesting and it was probably the reason they were exiled.
But maybe they just thought if eating one alien person made them immortal the first time then heck…why not go on and eat any person they could all over the cosmos? :p
It’s them from Exiled, but not them from space. The ‘Sentinel’ girl was smaller, and the Sentinel father had a more santa-like face (nose bigger). Not to speak of that the space father had his leg cut and after that his head, which corresponds badly with, say, how the Germans only made a small dent with a riffle shot up close.
Plasma torches are very very hot. And as for the leg, they couldve been cutting it off as food. B4 taking the step to eating other.
One thing that bothered me about exile was that the father shrugged of lightning without much trouble, that seems to suggest he was invulnerable b4 eating the alien.
I didn’t read it as shrugging off the “lightning.” He was calming a worried child, and going out to investigate.
Also, the alien wounded him pretty easily and his blood changed color after eating the alien, right?
The folks from Exiled had their blood turn blue and their bodies almost turn indestructible. I don’t see how you are gonna eat that!
Anyway, there are more inconsistencies:
The Sentinel father is trapped by the quarantine for 20 years. Can’t even open a hatch. And he doesn’t know about the Executive Shuttle
Is that *anything* like the man (the Spartan?) we have seen here and in Exiled? Wouldn’t he and the daughter – several thousandths of years old at this point – be a LOT more resourceful?
And a secretary of a board member?!? What sad position is that for an immortal man who is “beholden to no one”, quite a capable thief and an initiate in the dark arts? Doesn’t seem credible.
(My apologies to board member secretaries everywhere. ;-))
This. Thank you.
No problem 🙂
Similar to the runes from Stinkeye, if not some of the same…
exactly the same. and same green magic color.
Well we can say we know what’s supposed to happen when that spell is invoked…..
Is it just me or do they look similar to the runes on the glass cage in “Detained”? Moreover, his eyes glow blue just like the eyes of the goddes/wayfarer glowed blue when she yelled “Hubris!”
Yep. I got a bad feeling about this…
“Lightning bolt!”
jerry garcia, in a bag?
The axe is the same used in Stinky Eye.