Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
My breathe has the same effect on those who disappoint me
CALLED IT! Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of murdering cultists!
I’m fairly sure we won’t get any real answers regarding “What in the world is going on here!?”
It’s a silly detail, but I really like how the guys’ hands and arms are all in slightly different positions. Huge props for naturality and realism there.
I REALLY dig that second panel
Penance for not protecting the young?
Nice texture on the tongue!!
Wow. A legitimately good use of lens flare! I am impressed.
“This isn’t what I ordered!”
A Windigo…They eat their own…
where is the toddler?!?!?!
I think the worshipers will “melt” and morph into another Rhino monster dog. This would explain why his skin looks melted.
Oh, hahahaha. Did they think it was going to reward them?