Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
Good idea, bad idea: Let a demon suck out your soul.
Who says this is a demon? Remember the song, “what if God was one of us?” What if this is God… or a God? What if this is God and Satan? It seems to me that the opinions of good/evil and God/Devil are varied and relative. The creator of false/positive has an on-line comic on comixology called Dual/Duel. If you read this comic (and it is amazing), you will notice this author has a history of challenging and toying with our pre-conceived notions of God, good/evil, and right/wrong. I enjoy not knowing exactly the identity, motives, and powers of the powerful being in this story.
Though I feel terrible for the ones she’s doomed, I’m all giddy about either what wonders she’ll see or how this goddess is going to royally screw her over.
Man, I want to play Call of Cthulhu with you. I imagine that would be quite a game.
Well, this is an awesomely peculiar (or is that peculiarly awesome?) comic.
Keep up the good work.
/I too wandered over from io9
Nice work, Mike Walton. It’s rare to see a comic artist with your level of artistic ability who ALSO writes well. Well-done, indeed. I’m looking forward to more.
I’m so eager to see what happens next. O.O
Glas in the air! Is time frozen, do things happen at incredible speed or what?????
Wow, great stuff! I love this kind of story!
Yes! At LAST! Now the real fun can begin! Oh i saw wanna see how much destruction an angered (from the arrogance of us, lesser beings) god is worth upon his captors. Specially when it’s spawned from the sick, twisted, wonderful and totally enviable imagination of this artist. May i /cheer from the ethereal somewhere in the vicinity?
She did it.
Somehow both expected, fun and disappointing.
Another great page artwise though!
Finally Oprah achieves her desired zero dress size. After our friendly neighborhood demon turns her into a Breatharian!