Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
Neat, I’m excited to see more
you’re a wonderful artist.
Thanks, I’m excited to share more
Can’t wait to see more of your style and artwork. Keep it up!
I’m hard at work.
wow. I’m really excited to see more. I love your style.
I’ll be posting Halloween inspired art all month leading up to the new posts on October 31.
Very cool, I would’ve never guessed that was why she was bringing all that stuff up there, I cannot wait till Oct 31
Btw, I was directed here from an ad on the TZH website.
This is both awesome and supremely creepy at the same time. I love it.
Sweet! You made my morning.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Hell yeah.
These are one of the best drawn, most wicked, and interestin comics out here. But devilishly short. I wished for the man’s story to be a couple of pages longer…. And thought about bondage when looked at the nest.
Yeah, I guess I’ll hang around a little. We have some places in brain in common, I guess.
Excellent. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I could stretch many of the stories out and explore them further, (and maybe I will later) but jumping in and out of the shorter stories keeps them fresh for me and I hope it also invites more speculation from the reader.
Yeah, there’s definitely place for the imagination to kick in. All the alternate endigns, and all the possibilities, where from, for example, came the suitcase, and who was the owner, and what happened later, and et cetera.
Anyway, just brilliant, in ideas and in style.
This is simply amazing.
Wow. Thanks.
Wow! i just started reading, are all short stories or you’ll get back to them eventually?
Im so into them that i wanna know more about the poor guy of the hotel room and also what will happen to the girl.
I love the cliffhangers though
I love your style
I want more!!!!! Such a
More soon.
This is just.. words cannot begin to describe how amazing this is. It’s both beautiful, and a tad disturbed.
I love this. A lot.
I really appreciate the sentiment. Thanks for taking the time to offer feedback.
Never talk to strangers kids, or else you’ll end up somewhere you don’t want to be. Awesome artist and awesome style, leaving secret messages in your fantastic, surreal and macabre comics, keep it up I want to see more.
At least it wasn’t the “Slit-Mouthed Woman!”
Artwork is amazing. I would love for see more of the stories expanded.
Hmm…I can think of worse kidnappings.
Being spooned by a beautiful yet creepy hoarder? Yes, please.
Honestly though, I’m loving this already. Pumped to keep reading.
Alright, I give up. I don’t get it. Was she making a nest or what?
She was nesting! But was her intention to capture that exact kid all along? Or any kid who happened by? Or was it a spur of the moment thing because that kid just showed up? Whatever the meaning of the story, it’s interesting. I like it.
It’s my kid now!
Something I love about this story in particular is that nothing obviously supernatural happens, yet the whole thing is drenched in the capital “W” Weird. Why is this woman working with such purpose, is she conventionally insane or does she know something we can’t even guess at? And leaving us at such an ambiguous moment where no physical harm has been inflicted yet everything is possible is the perfect end point. It’s moments like this that have me back here for my third reading. Absolutely wonderful.
I don’t recall consciously considering the works of David Lynch while creating the story, but in looking at it now, his storytelling influence seems obvious–whether conscious or not. And, your observation certainly reinforces that notion.
Thanks for coming back. Cheers!
Maybe I’m just pointing out something obvious that people didn’t bother mention, but there’s some skulls scattered around the nest (one inside a tv screen too), and other bones as well. How long has she been kidnapping people, and how many?