Dear False Positive Readers,
This is Ashley Walton, Mike’s sister and editor of False Positive. I have really terrible, awful news and a tiny bit of good news.
You might have noticed it’s been a couple years since we’ve posted anything on this website. Well, brace yourself for the saddest update I’ll ever share.
Trail of blood?
Mike should really limit his Winter scenes to when it’s Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Brrr!
When did that happen?
Who’s going to eat whom? Place your bets now!
Did anyone else spot the white fox(?) in the upper right corner?
Hum…Snow require snow shoes, or at least skis…unless in the arctic, then it’s like concrete…aaaand, that’s a white arctic wolf…4 feet at the shoulder..regular grey wolf 3 feet, a coyote is 2 feet, a fox, one foot…(wolves come in black too…Dog hybrids are bred out first generation due to bad manners)
The bloody paw print does seem the right size for the fox. Could it be a fox sister without all nine tails showing?
I always hated it when my dogs left such prints. Sometimes is bothered them a lot too, and sometimes they seemed to entirely shrug it off.
I usually don’t complain, but this story is really dragging. Is there a reason for the delayed updates?
Doing what I’m able.
False Positive is a labor of love. Unfortunately, my current life and schedule don’t allow me the luxury of updating FP as often as I’d like. I’m squeezing whatever time I can spare to make new pages when I can.
Yeah, dammnit! I want my money back! Oh, wait…
You know, I don’t know why you bother putting in so much detail. Maybe you could go with stick figures to speed it up a bit?
A fox-kin shot the human for their tasty liver? They seem to have horns or large ears of some sort.
I’m not getting much out of the first couple of pages of this story…I hope there’s something to come.
Between you and me, things don’t really kick into a gear until our hero discovers his grandmother’s long-lost fruit salad recipe on page 35.
Make a comic about that, and I’ll become a patron.